Google Gains, Apple Stays Steady

This article from states that Google has doubled its smartphone market share over the last few months:

“In the three months between October and January, Android’s overall share of smartphone subscribers in the U.S. rose 4.3 points to 7.1 percent, according to mobile market share data released by comScore. Android showed the biggest single gain of any of the top five smartphone platforms. Apple’s share was virtually flat at 25.2 percent up 0.3 percent, while RIM’s Blackberries saw a 1.7 percent gain to 43 percent.”

via Google Gains, Apple Stays Steady, And Palm Loses In Smartphone Share.

CBA 101: All About Cap Room – Basketball News & NBA Rumors –

Salary cap expert Larry Coon gives an analysis of the New York Knicks upcoming salary cap situation. For those who are unfamiliar with the NBA’s collective bargaining agreement this writeup shows just how nuanced it is.

“With a $53 million cap and a $21.57 million team salary, the Knicks will have about $31.43 million in cap room. If they sign a player like LeBron James for $16.57 million, they will then have just $15.33 million to fill out the rest of their roster – and they will have no exceptions and no Bird rights to any of their free agents. Fortunately there are alternative strategies.”

via CBA 101: All About Cap Room – Basketball News & NBA Rumors –.

How Long Will the Hard Drive Boom Last? — Seeking Alpha

Below is a comment from an article on Seeking Alpha. I agree with the commenter, not the article.

“Inventory is at historically low levels. As stated by many analysts, the industry will be chasing demand well into the future.  Seagate’s ceo recently stated that 2011 is shaping up to be a ‘Monster’ year for the hard drive industry. The equation is econ 101… demand outstripping supply. The industry is behind the cue ball, not the eight ball.”

via How Long Will the Hard Drive Boom Last? — Seeking Alpha.